လူထုအုံျကြမွဳ ျဖစ္ဖုိ႔ဆုိတာ ႏွစ္ေပါင္း ၂၀ ေလာက္ျကာမွ တခါေလာက္ပဲ ျဖစ္ႏုိင္တာပါ။ အခုတျကိမ္ မေအာင္ျမင္ရင္ ေနာက္ ႏွစ္ (၂၀) ထပ္ေစာင့္ရမွာ ျဖစ္ပါတယ္။ မျဖစ္မေန ေအာင္ျမင္ေအာင္လုပ္ဖုိ႔ အရမ္းကုိ အေရးျကီးပါတယ္။ ျပည္ပေရာက္ေနသူေတြ ကလည္း ေသနတ္ေတြေရွ႔မွာ ဆႏၵျပရဲေအာင္ နည္းလမ္းမ်ဳိးစုံနဲ႔ တြန္းအား ေပးေနပါတယ္။ နအဖကလည္း 88 ဆႏၵျပပြဲ အေတြ႔အျကဳံရွိေတာ့ ဘယ္လုိ ကိုင္တြယ္ရမလဲဆုိတာ ပါးနပ္ေနပါျပီ။
ျပည္တြင္း လူေတြ ေနရာ ကေန စဥ္းစားျကည့္ပါ။ ဘယ္သူကမ်ား လမ္းေပၚမွာ အသတ္ခံ ခ်င္မွာလဲ? ေသနတ္ေတြေရွ႔မွာ ဘယ္ႏွစ္ေယာက္မ်ား ဆႏၵျပရဲမွာလဲ?။ ဒါေျကာင့္လဲ ဆႏၵျပပြဲက ျကီးသင့္သေလာက္ မျကီးျဖစ္ေနတာပါ။ အဲလုိနဲ႔ လူတေျဖးေျဖးနည္းသြားျပီး ဒီဆႏၵျပပြဲျကီးဟာ မျကာမီ လုံး၀ က်ဆုံးဖုိ႔ အေျကာင္းရွိပါတယ္။ အဲလုိမျဖစ္ခ်င္ရင္ ဗ်ဴဟာ ေျပာင္းရပါမယ္။ 1988 နည္းဗ်ဴဟာ အေဟာင္းျကီးကုိပဲ ဆက္လုပ္မယ္ဆုိရင္ ေအာင္ျမင္မွာ မဟုတ္ပါဘူး။
သတိထားဖုိ႔ ကိစၥတစ္ခုကုိ ေျပာခ်င္ပါတယ္။ ဒီမုိကေရစီ ႏုိင္ငံေရးသမားေတြ အားလုံးကုိ မယုံပါနဲ႔။ သူတုိ႔အထဲမွာ ဒီမုိကေရစီေတာ္လွန္ေရး အဒြန္႔ရွည္မွ (ဒီမုိကေရစီကုိ လုပ္စားေနသူေတြ) စီးပြားျဖစ္မယ့္သူေတြ ရွိေနပါတယ္။ အဲဒီလူေတြဟာ နအဖမျပဳတ္က်ေအာင္ ပညာသားပါပါ နဲ႔ ဆႏၵျပပြဲကုိ ဖ်က္ဆီးႏုိင္ပါတယ္။ က်ေနာ္ ဆုိလုိခ်က္ကုိ အေမရိကန္နဲ႔ ကေနဒါမွာ ေနတဲ့သူေတြ သေဘာေပါက္မွာပါ။ ဒါေျကာင့္ သတိရွိပါ။
ထိေရာက္ဆုံး ဗ်ဴဟာ အသစ္
ဆႏၵျပပြဲ မေအာင္ျမင္ျဖစ္ ေနရတဲ့ အဓိက အေျကာင္းအရာက ဘာလဲဆုိတာ သိပါသလား?
ျပည္သူ အမ်ားစု မပါလုိ႔ပါ ။
ျပည္သူ အမ်ားစုက ဘာျဖစ္လုိ႔ ဆႏၵမျပလဲ?
ေသနတ္နဲ႔ အပစ္ခံရမွာဆုိးလုိ႔ပါ။
လူအမ်ားစု ပါ၀င္ဆႏၵျပေအာင္ ဘယ္လုိလုပ္မလဲ?
မေျကာက္နဲ႔ လုပ္သာလုပ္လုိ႔ ေျပာျပီး အတင္းတြန္းေနလုိ႔လည္း သူတုိ႔ ထြက္ျပီးဆႏၵျပမွာ မဟုတ္ပါဘူး။ အပစ္မခံရဲလုိ႔ ဆႏၵမျပတဲ့ ကိစၥမုိ႔ ဘယ္သူမွ ထြက္လာစရာ အေျကာင္းမရွိပါဘူး။ က်ေနာ္တုိ႔ အေနနဲ႔ အပစ္မခံရေအာင္ စဥ္းစားေပးသင့္ပါတယ္။ ္စဥ္းစားထားတာေလး ေတြကေတာ့
(၁) မနက္၊ ေန႔လည္၊ ညေန၊ ညပုိင္း တေန႔ေလးျကိမ္ ေမတၱာသုတ္ကုိ အိမ္တုိင္းမွ ဖြင့္ပါ။ ေမတၱာသုတ္အသံဟာ ျမန္မာျပည္ျကီး ေျပာင္းလဲဖုိ႔လုိလားတယ္ဆုိတဲ့ အခ်က္ျပ အသံျဖစ္ပါတယ္။ ေမတၱာသုတ္ ဖြင့္လုိ႔ ဘယ္စစ္သားမွ အိမ္ထဲကုိ လာပစ္မွာ မဟုတ္ပါဘူး။ လူတုိင္းလဲ လုပ္ရဲပါတယ္။ (စစ္သားေတြ ေျပာသေလာက္ မရမ္းကားဘူးဆုိတာ ေအာက္မွ ဆက္ေရးထားပါတယ္) တခ်ဳိ႔လူေတြက ညတခ်ိန္ပဲ ဖြင့္သင့္တယ္လုိ႔ ေျပာေနက်ပါတယ္။ က်ေနာ္ကေတာ့ သေဘာမတူပါဘူး။ ညအခ်ိန္ဖြင့္လဲ ျပီးေရာ အိပ္ဖုိ႔အခ်ိန္လဲ ေရာက္သြားပါျပီ။ ဘာမွ ထူးလာမွာ မဟုတ္ပါဘူး။ မနက္၊ ေန႔ခင္းေတြမွာ ေမတၱာသုတ္ အသံျကားရင္ လူငယ္ေတြ စိတ္တက္ျကြလာပီး ဆႏၵျပဖုိ႔ ျကိဳးစား လာႏုိင္ပါတယ္။ တခ်ဳိ႔ေပါက္ကရ ေျပာခ်င္တဲ့သူေတြက ကတ္ဆက္ ဖြင့္တဲ့ အိမ္ေတြကုိ လာဖမ္းႏုိင္တယ္ဆုိျပီး ျဖဲေျခာက္နုိင္ ပါတယ္။ မယုံပါနဲ႔။ လက္ေတြ႔က်က် စဥ္းစားပါ။ သူတုိ႔မွာ ျပည္သူလူထုေတြ အမ်ားျကီးကုိ ဖမ္းျပီးထားဖုိ႔ ေနရာ မရွိပါဘူး။
(၂) အႏၱရယ္ကင္းျပီး လုပ္ႏုိင္တဲ့ ဆႏၵျပနည္းေလး ကုိလည္း တင္ျပခ်င္ပါတယ္။ မိမိရပ္ကြက္ထဲမွာ လူစုျပီး တလမ္း၀င္ တလမ္းထြက္ ေမတၱာသုတ္ရြတ္သြားပါ။ (ေယာဂီ၀တ္စုံေလးမ်ား ၀တ္ႏုိင္ရင္ ပုိသင့္ေတာ္ပါသည္။) ဒုိ႔အေရးလုံး၀ မေအာ္ပါနဲ႔။ ဒုိ႔အေရးမေအာ္လဲ ဘာအတြက္ လုပ္ေနလဲ လူတုိင္းသိပါတယ္။ ဒုိ႔အေရးေအာ္ျပီး ဆႏၵျပရင္ ရ၀တနဲ႔ ျကံ့ဖြတ္ေတြက သူတုိ႔ကုိ ရန္ျပဳမွာ စိုးရိမ္ျပီး စစ္တပ္ကုိ အေျကာင္းျကားႏုိင္ပါတယ္။ အဲလုိ ရပ္ကြက္အတြင္းမွာ လမ္းေလွ်ာက္တယ္ဆုိရင္ စစ္တပ္ အလြယ္တကူ လာေရာက္ ပစ္ခတ္ဖုိ႔ မျဖစ္ႏုိင္ပါဘူး။ စစ္တပ္လာရင္ အျမန္လူစုခြဲပီး မိမိအိမ္ေတြထဲ ၀င္ေနပါ။ စိတ္ကူးထဲမွာ ေတြးျကည့္ပါ။ ေယာဂီ၀တ္စုံေလးေတြနဲ႔ ေမတၱာသုတ္ တလမ္း၀င္ တလမ္းထြက္ ရြတ္ေနတာ ဘယ္ေလာက္ အဆင္ေျပလဲဗ်ာ။ စစ္တပ္လာရင္ အိမ္ေတြထဲ ၀င္ေနက်ေပါ့။
(၃) လမ္းမျကီးေတြေပၚမွာ ထြက္ျပီး ေမတၱာသုတ္ ရြတ္ခ်င္ရြတ္ပါ။ ဘယ္ေတာ့မွ စစ္တပ္ (၀ါ) ရဲေတြနဲ႔ ထိပ္တုိက္ ရင္ဆုိင္ဖုိ႔ မျကိုးစားပါနဲ႔။ သူတုိ႔လာတာျမင္ရင္ လူစုခြဲပါ။ ေပ်ာက္ျကား နည္းစနစ္ကုိပဲသုံးပါ။ ေနာက္ျပီး မိမိရပ္ကြက္နဲ႔ အေ၀းျကီးကုိ မခ်ီတက္ပါနဲ႔။ အိမ္ျပန္ရခက္ရင္ ေနာက္တျကိမ္ ဆႏၵျပဖုိ႔ စိတ္ကုန္ သြားတတ္ပါတယ္။
က်ေနာ္ အခုတင္ျပထားတဲ့ သုံးခ်က္ဟာ ျပည္သူလူထု တစ္ရပ္လုံး အႏၱရယ္ကင္းစြာနဲ႔ လြယ္လြယ္ကူကူလုပ္ႏုိင္တဲ့ အခ်က္ေတြပါ။ ဒါေျကာင့္ မိမိတုိ႔ရဲ႔ မိတ္ေဆြေတြဆီကုိ Email ပုိ႔ျပီး ေျပာျပပါ။ CBox ေတြမွာ လုိက္ေျပာပါ။ Forum ေတြမွာ လုိက္ေျပာပါ။ ၀က္ဆုိက္ ေတြကုိ သတင္းေပးပါ။ က်ေနာ္တုိ႔ ေသနတ္ရွိတဲ့သူကုိ အကြက္က်က် မလုပ္ရင္ ေအာင္ျမင္ဖုိ႔ ဆုိတာ မျဖစ္ႏုိင္ပါဘူး။
ျဖဲမေခ်ာက္နဲ႔ ရန္မတုိက္နဲ႔
Blog ေတြကုိ ျကည့္လုိက္ရင္ စစ္တပ္ ရက္စက္တာေတြ ဆုိက္၀ါးလုပ္ထားတာ ေတြ႔ႏုိင္ပါတယ္။ အဆုိးရြားဆုံးမွာ ဘုရားဖ်က္ဆီးတာကုိ ဓါတ္ပုံနဲ႔ တင္ျပထားခ်င္း ျဖစ္ပါတယ္။ အဲဒီဘုရားကုိ ရုိက္ခ်ဳိးခဲ့ တာ တုိင္းရင္းသား စစ္သားေလးေတြဆုိတာ ဘုန္းျကီးေတြ ေျပာျပခ်က္အရ သိရပါတယ္။ သူတုိ႔ဟာ ဘာသာျခား စစ္သားေလးေတြပါ။ သူတုိ႔ လုပ္တာနဲ႔ ဗုဒၶဘာသာ စစ္သားေတြကုိ သာသာနာဖ်က္ေတြလုိ႔ ၀ါးလုံးရမ္းသင့္ သလား? တကယ္တမ္း ေျပာရရင္ ။ ဗုဒၶဘာသာ စစ္သားေတြ ခရစ္ယာန္ေက်ာင္းေတြကုိ ဖ်က္ဆီးတာေတြ ရွိခဲ့တာပဲ။ အထက္က ခရစ္ယာန္ေက်ာင္းဖ်က္ပါ၊ အထက္က ဗုဒၶဆင္းတုေတာ္ကုိ ရုိက္ခ်ဳိးပါလုိ႔ အမိန္႔မေပးပါဘူး။ စစ္သားေလးေတြဟာ ဆယ္တန္းေတာင္ ေအာင္တာမွ မဟုတ္တာ စိတ္အလုိလုိက္ျပီး ျဖစ္သြားတာကုိ ခ်ဲ႔ကား မေျပာသင့္ဘူးထင္ပါတယ္။
ေနာက္တခုကေတာ့ တပ္သားေတြ ဆႏၵျပသူေတြကုိ ပစ္ရာမွာ လူမဆန္ဘူးလုိ႔ အတင္းကုိ စြပ္စြဲေနပါတယ္။ (ရုရွက စစ္သားေတြ ပစ္ခတ္တာကုိ အားေပးတဲ့ အေျပာအဆုိေတြကုိ အျပစ္ မျမင္ပါနဲ႔။ သူတုိ႔ကုိ အခ်ိန္ျပည့္သြားဆဲေနေတာ့ ဘယ္သူမဆုိ မခံခ်င္စိတ္နဲ႔ အဲလုိပဲ ေရးမွာ ျဖစ္ပါတယ္။) ဒီကိစၥကုိက်ေနာ္ လုံး၀ ဆန္႔က်င္ပါတယ္။ ဆႏၵျပတဲ့သူေတြ ေသတဲ့ အေရအတြက္ ျကည့္ပါ။ စစ္သားတစ္ေယာက္က လူတစ္ေယာက္ႏွဳံန္းပဲ သတ္တယ္ထားပါ။ အခုထက္ အဆ တစ္ရာေလာက္ ေသႏုိင္ပါတယ္။ အခုလုိ ေသအေပ်ာက္စာရင္းကုိ ျကည့္ရင္ စစ္သားေတြမွာ ကုိယ္ခ်င္းစာစိတ္နဲ႔ ေမတၱာတရား ရွိတယ္ဆုိတာ မွတ္ခ်က္ခ်ႏုိင္ပါတယ္။ ဒါဆုိရင္ ဘာေျကာင့္ စစ္သားေတြကုိ ေခြးနဲ႔ ႏွဳိင္းခ်င္တာလဲ? ဒါလုံး၀ မလုပ္သင့္ပါဘူး။
စြမ္းအားရွင္ေတြ မစုစုေႏြးလူစုခြဲတုံးကလည္း အျကမ္းဖက္မွဳျကီးဆုိျပီး နာမည္တပ္ပါတယ္။ တကယ္ေတာ့ စြမ္းအားရွင္ေတြလုပ္တဲ့ အလုပ္ဟာ ကမာၻေပၚမွာ အျငင္္သာဆုံးလုပ္တဲ့ အျပဳအမွဳပါ။ ပုံျကီးခ်ဲ႔ မေျပာသင့္ပါဘူး။
အဲလုိ မဟုတ္က ဟုတ္က ဆုိက္၀ါးလုပ္လြန္းေတာ့ လူေတြက စစ္တပ္ကုိ ေျကာက္သင့္ တာထက္ ပုိေျကာက္ သြားပါတယ္။ မသီရိဘာေျပာလဲဆုိရင္ . . . အိမ္ထဲမွာ ေမတၱာသုတ္ ဖြင့္ရင္ေတာင္ စစ္သားက ၀င္ပစ္မယ္တဲ့။ ျဖစ္ႏုိင္ရဲ႔လားဗ်ာ။
ဒါေျကာင့္ လူေတြကုိ ျဖဲေခ်ာက္တာမ်ဳိး မလုပ္သင့္ပါ။ လုပ္ေတာ့ အေျကာက္လြန္ျပီး ဒူးတုံတာနဲ႔ ဘာမွ လုပ္လုိ႔မရျဖစ္တတ္ပါတယ္။
အခ်ိန္မေႏွာင္းခင္ အျမန္လုပ္ပါ
ေန႔စဥ္ ဘာသတင္းထူးလဲ စနည္းနာရုံသက္သက္ Blog ေတြကုိ မသြားပါနဲ႔။ ေဆြးေႏြး ျငင္းခုံရင္းနဲ႔လဲ အခ်ိန္အကုန္ မခံပါနဲ႔။ က်ေနာ္ ေအာက္မွာ ေရးထားတာကုိ Copy , Paste လုပ္ျပီး ဆီဗုံးေတြမွာ လုိက္ထည့္ေပးပါ။ ေနာက္ထပ္ အႏွစ္ ၂၀ ထပ္ မေစာင့္ခ်င္ရင္ေပါ့။ ေသြးမေအးခင္ ျမန္ျမန္လုပ္ပါ။(၁) ေမတၱာသုတ္ကုိ မနက္၊ ေန႔လည္၊ ညေန၊ ညပုိင္းမ်ားတြင္ အိမ္တုိင္းမွ ဖြင့္ေပးပါ (၂) လူငယ္မ်ား မိမိရပ္ကြက္ထဲမွာ ေမတၱာသုတ္ ရြတ္ဖတ္ပါ။ (၃) ထိပ္တုိက္မရင္ဆုိင္ပါနဲ႔။ ေျပာက္က်ားစနစ္ကုိအသုံးျပဳပါ
Saturday, September 29, 2007
အႏွစ္ ၂၀ ထပ္မေစာင့္ခ်င္ရင္ …. ဒါေလးေတြကုိလုပ္ပါ
Posted by
* In Search of Truth *
8:28 PM
Labels: ျမန္မာႏုိင္ငံ
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"စြမ္းအားရွင္ေတြ မစုစုေႏြးလူစုခြဲတုံးကလည္း အျကမ္းဖက္မွဳျကီးဆုိျပီး နာမည္တပ္ပါတယ္။ တကယ္ေတာ့ စြမ္းအားရွင္ေတြလုပ္တဲ့ အလုပ္ဟာ ကမာၻေပၚမွာ အျငင္္သာဆုံးလုပ္တဲ့ အျပဳအမွဳပါ။ ပုံျကီးခ်ဲ႔ မေျပာသင့္ပါဘူး။"
Are you insane!? How could someone getting beaten up and dragged along the streets like a dog be considered anything under than brutal? As for the 'gentle' approach, can you really say that the praying monks were looking for trouble? They were reciting the bloody myita thote. There can be no execuse for defiling sacred ground with the blood of the holy. Your arguments are like a cracked mirror. Just because you put them together in a rational manner does not make it a rational whole when the basic argument is already flawed.
Long live the monks
I agree with Light of Myanmar for his strategies to maintain and keep up the demonstrations. People in Burma are now fear of getting killed and beaten. As a result, the amount of people who take part in protests is getting smaller, and it would be vanished soon. Therefore modivation is needed by playing Myit Tar Thote for four times a day for those who have alreay been in protests and for those who are not yet.
(၃) လမ္းမျကီးေတြေပၚမွာ ထြက္ျပီး ေမတၱာသုတ္ ရြတ္ခ်င္ရြတ္ပါ။ ဘယ္ေတာ့မွ စစ္တပ္ (၀ါ) ရဲေတြနဲ႔ ထိပ္တုိက္ ရင္ဆုိင္ဖုိ႔ မျကိုးစားပါနဲ႔။ သူတုိ႔လာတာျမင္ရင္ လူစုခြဲပါ။ ေပ်ာက္ျကား နည္းစနစ္ကုိပဲသုံးပါ။ ေနာက္ျပီး မိမိရပ္ကြက္နဲ႔ အေ၀းျကီးကုိ မခ်ီတက္ပါနဲ႔။ အိမ္ျပန္ရခက္ရင္ ေနာက္တျကိမ္ ဆႏၵျပဖုိ႔ စိတ္ကုန္ သြားတတ္ပါတယ္။
ဟားဟား... အေရးအခင္းတုန္းက ဆမူဆာ ေအာင္ႀကီး ေဟာေျပာသြားသလိုပဲ... စစ္တပ္ကို စိတ္နဲ႔ေတာင္ မပစ္မွားနဲ႔ ဆိုတာလိုပဲ။ စစ္တပ္ကို မေက်နပ္လို႔ တုိက္ပါတယ္ ဆိုမွ စစ္တပ္နဲ႔ မရင္ဆိုင္နဲ႔ဆို ကိုယ့္အိမ္မွာပဲ ကိုယ့္မိန္းမနဲ႔ ကိုယ္ အိပ္ေနေတာ့မွာေပါ့ဗ်။
နည္းနည္း လြဲေနေသးတယ္။ ဘာလုိ႕လဲဆုိေတာ့ အဓိကရုဏ္ႏိွမ္နင္းေရးက သူ့လုပ္ထံုး လုပ္နည္းနဲ႕ လုပ္မွာပဲ။ အဲဒီေတာ့ ေယာဂီ၀တ္စံု ၀တ္၀တ္၊ ေမတၱာသုတ္ရြတ္ရြတ္၊ အထက္က လူစုခြဲဆုိရင္ ခြဲရမွာပဲဗ်။
ထံုးစံအရေတာ့ ေအာ္လံပါတဲ့ ကားေပၚမွာ တရားသူႀကီး (သုိ႕မဟုတ္) တရားသူႀကီးနဲ႕ အဆင့္အတန္း ညီမွ်တဲ့လူ ပါတတ္ပါတယ္။ သူနဲ႕ အၿမဲပဲ ညွိႏိႈင္းရင္ လူအေသအေပ်ာက္ ေလ်ာ့နည္းသြားမွာ ျဖစ္ပါတယ္။
Do not act like Sayar Gyi. Fucker !
Never condemn and give negative comments to peoples' and monks' activities. They gave up everything including life and went on roads.
You are one of Aye Lwin's nasty gang.
Your suggestions are insane and inappropriate.
There is no other way for people to choose to be freedom. This is last of last activities. Do not hope for another 20 years.
It's very pity for monks becoming sandwich phenomena; government kills them, torture them and people are afraid of donating to them.
Lord Buddha ... Come alive and help those suffering in Myanmar.
Head of angels (Thi-kyar-minn) ... Quickly act on bad guys and save all people including monks, nuns in Myanmar(Burma)
Zu-buu-hteik-na-meik-htun-de-kyun ... Myanmar(Burma) .. hoping for the best !
Buddhism people are in worst mood.
(1) it's time for us to b strategic.
(2) Apparently, we need someone like Aunty Su. We better wake up from daydreaming, govt has put her under house arrest for ages, only God knows when she will b released again. We need someone who could lead the whole crowd.
(3) We need Long-termed plan.
(4) U Than Shwe would never give up his power unless we attack him psychologically, i guess.
well, those are just my thoughts.
The following is some brainstorming I got so far. Some could be ridiculous and stupid but hello? It's brainstorming! But remeber these words: "The difference between Insanity and Ingenuity is success made".
1)everyone carry around statuettes or pictures of Buddha AND(some of the soldiers are not Buddhists and very like to be Christians) Holy bible or Holy Cross as shields.(I am assmuing the soldiers belonging to ethnic minorities are Chrisitians)
2)Heard there are criminals dressed up by SPDC as soldiers in the army. Criminal or not, bribe the whole squad more than SPDC does and if they still shoot you.. I can't think of any word equivalent to describe their stupidity.
3) Carry Than Shwe's pics around(pics that cover your body). Than Shwe is very superstitious. Shoot his pic and he'll even shoot Mg Aye or Thura Shweman for doing that.
4) Think, why the simpleton soldiers belonging to ethnic minority are killing people? Coz they admire Than Shwe? No freaking way. If there's a person to admire for them it couldn't also be Jesus Christ since he never encourages killing. Action heros. Request Schwezenegger or Chuck Norris to give a speach that condemn the soldiers for killing people. Hasten the production of the latest Rambo franchise. We need celeb power. Request all those Burmese sexy models out there to act in propagendas. Or give all the soldiers who join forces with the civilians a dozen of porn CDs, weed to smoke or I dunno whatever that stop them from shooting people and start shooting SPDC top dogs.
5) Strike the roots. Kidnap Than Shwe's family and blackmail him Al Qaeda Style.
hm... i like the concept that the blogger has... some of the reader apparently has misunderstood, and of course acted like an a**hole..
anyway... i'm totally behind the ppl and the follower of Buddha demonstrating for a better living standard...
i'm quite sure the Blogger's intention was do lessen the death but at the same time he would like to encourage everyone to protest... some of u are just too stubborn and short sighted.. i mean.. how many ppl can the govt kill? does he want to kill eveyone who is protesting? then he would b doing a favor to the increasing world population...
anyway.. i do agree the silent and non violent protest that he has suggested, and i totally think that we need a long term plan... rather than rash drastic actions, which ends up in blood-bath.. which has occured in many places, in many different ....
i was reading the other day on the net, they said some ppl are actually not doing meeting secretly but they open up an office and actually conducting the flow of the demonstration... which is a good sign... and i truly believe that only if we stand together as one BURMESE people, regarding of the difference in religion, ethnic groups and background, would we be able to get a better life of ourselves and others...
God Bless Burma and hope that this will end well... may those whom have given their lives rest in peace ...
hm... i like the concept that the blogger has... some of the reader apparently has misunderstood, and of course acted like an a**hole..
anyway... i'm totally behind the ppl and the follower of Buddha demonstrating for a better living standard...
i'm quite sure the Blogger's intention was do lessen the death but at the same time he would like to encourage everyone to protest... some of u are just too stubborn and short sighted.. i mean.. how many ppl can the govt kill? does he want to kill eveyone who is protesting? then he would b doing a favor to the increasing world population...
anyway.. i do agree the silent and non violent protest that he has suggested, and i totally think that we need a long term plan... rather than rash drastic actions, which ends up in blood-bath.. which has occured in many places, in many different ....
i was reading the other day on the net, they said some ppl are actually not doing meeting secretly but they open up an office and actually conducting the flow of the demonstration... which is a good sign... and i truly believe that only if we stand together as one BURMESE people, regarding of the difference in religion, ethnic groups and background, would we be able to get a better life of ourselves and others...
God Bless Burma and hope that this will end well... may those whom have given their lives rest in peace ...
Although some of his suggestions may be a little far-fetched, the blogger's overall message is valid.
Many of you people are reacting emotionally to him, throwing insults and blindly praising everyone who protested. Do you not realize that being emotional and irrational undermine the unity of the civilian population as a whole? Of course we feel sorry for the brave people and monks who died, but can we really say that they chose the perfect course of actions every time? No, the protestors, though brave, definitely had strategic flaws.
And you morons who attack him blindly without having any reasonable argument yourselves, are not being as helpful as he is.
"စြမ္းအားရွင္ေတြ မစုစုေႏြးလူစုခြဲတုံးကလည္း အျကမ္းဖက္မွဳျကီးဆုိျပီး နာမည္တပ္ပါတယ္။ တကယ္ေတာ့ စြမ္းအားရွင္ေတြလုပ္တဲ့ အလုပ္ဟာ ကမာၻေပၚမွာ အျငင္္သာဆုံးလုပ္တဲ့ အျပဳအမွဳပါ။ ပုံျကီးခ်ဲ႔ မေျပာသင့္ပါဘူး။"
ခင္ဗ်ားတို႔နည္းက သူ႔နည္းသူ႔ဟန္နဲ႔ေတာ့ေကာင္းႏိုင္ပါတယ္။ ဒါေပမယ့္ အထက္ကစာေလးကိုေတာ့ ျပန္ျပင္ေပးပါ။ ရက္စက္တာဟာ ရက္စက္တာပါဘဲ။ ယုတ္မာတာဟာ ယုတ္မာတာပါဘဲ။ ဘယ္လိုစကားလံုးမ်ိဳးနဲ႔မွ ေပါ့ပါးေအာင္လပ္လို႔မရပါဘူး
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